Frequently Asked Questions for Clery Act Compliance

Jeanne-CleryJeanne Clery was raped and murdered on campus her freshman year, on April 5, 1986. Campus warnings on potential threats and on-going campus safety concerns were not required at that time, and may have saved her life.

The Jeanne Clery Act of 1990 mandates that all colleges and universities receiving federal funding must disclose information about crime on and around their campuses, ensuring transparency and promoting campus safety. This includes maintaining and publishing an annual security report, providing timely warnings of campus threats, and maintaining a public crime log.

Institutions must:

  • Publish an Annual Security and Fire Safety Report.
  • Maintain a public crime log.
  • Disclose crime statistics for incidents that occur on campus, on public areas adjacent to the campus, and at certain non-campus facilities.
  • Issue timely warnings about Clery Act crimes that pose a serious or ongoing threat.
  • Have emergency response and evacuation procedures in place.
  • Collect and report fire statistics for on-campus student housing.

The institution typically designates a Clery Compliance Officer (CCO) or team to oversee compliance. This can include campus security authorities (CSAs), campus police, and other relevant personnel.

The ASFSR is a comprehensive report that institutions must publish annually. It includes crime statistics, fire safety information, and details about policies and procedures related to campus safety and security.

A Timely Warning Notice is issued to alert the campus community about Clery Act crimes that pose a serious or continuing threat to safety. These notices help prevent further incidents by keeping the community informed.

A CSA is an individual at an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities. CSAs are required to report Clery Act crimes that they witness or that are reported to them.

The Clery Act requires reporting of specific crimes, including:

  • Criminal offenses (e.g., murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault)
  • Hate crimes
  • VAWA offenses (e.g., domestic violence, dating violence, stalking)
  • Arrests and referrals for disciplinary action (e.g., drug and alcohol violations, weapons possession)

Non-compliance can result in significant penalties, including fines and loss of federal funding. Additionally, it can harm the institution’s reputation and trust within the campus community.

Title IX Consulting Group provides a range of services to support Clery Act compliance, including:

  • Comprehensive audits and focused reviews
  • Development and review of Clery Maps
  • Assistance with the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
  • Training for Campus Security Authorities
  • Ongoing support from experienced Clery Compliance Consultants

Institutions should regularly review and update their Clery Act compliance practices, at least annually, to ensure ongoing adherence to regulations and to address any changes in campus safety dynamics. Regular audits and reviews can help identify and rectify compliance gaps proactively.

“The Best Education In The World Is Useless If A Student Doesn't Survive With A Healthy Mind And Body.”

— Connie And Howard Clery, The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, Clery Act of 1990.