Defying Expectations By Defining Myself I Am A Survivor Victim Person
Author: Jane Doe 16 | @thelastjanedoe
Often times when people experience sexual violence, they are given a new identity. They may be labeled as a “victim” or a “survivor”, and they may be given the anonymous name “Jane Doe”. Suddenly, with these unfamiliar social or legal labels, spectators and the media have certain expectations for them.
Title IX: Beyond Sports
Authors: Nandini Nair & Dr. Sandi
Within the United States of America, when the conversation turns to Title IX, attention often shifts towards sports and the significant achievements of Title IX and equity for women. Originating during the second wave of feminism, Title IX advocated for the increased involvement of women in sports, which at that time was predominantly limited to a collegiate, in-house, sport level.
The Power of Muay Thai in Self-Defense: Empowering Victims Through Prevention and Skill
Author: Kru Christopher M. Aboy
In a world where personal safety is a growing concern, self-defense has become a crucial skill. For many, the journey towards self-protection begins with understanding the risks and learning effective ways to prevent and respond to threats. Among the various self-defense techniques, Muay Thai stands out not only for its effectiveness but also for its empowering impact on practitioners.
The Breeding Ground: K-12 Sex Education
While sex education for grades K-12 has become more comprehensive, there is no federal law mandating what information needs to be taught. Instead, each state is responsible for determining how to best address the issue of sexual reproduction and Title IX’s protections against sexual discrimination, otherwise known as sexual misconduct and sexual violence.
Shockingly, as of 2016, only 25 states require public schools to include education on sexual assault. Therefore, schools may be teaching students about consent, healthy relationships, bystander intervention, and in some programs, self -defense, while others are not doing this at all. Because of the gap in sexual education as described under Title IX, most students do not learn about dating violence and sexual violence until they attend college!
New Title IX Regulations Regarding LGBTQI+ Students
The harassment and discrimination of LGBTQI+ individuals have been hotly debated, with recent statistics painting a concerning picture. Responding to this, the new Title IX Regulations significantly enhance protections, particularly by codifying rights for transgender students. This groundbreaking inclusion by the Biden administration, which adds gender identities to the list of categories protected from discrimination, marks a decisive shift from previous Trump-era policies.
These regulations not only broaden the definition of ‘sexual harassment’ to include sexual violence and unwelcome sex-based conduct but also aim to prevent discrimination against pregnant or parenting students by covering conditions such as pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions. In ensuring that educational environments are inclusive and safe, the regulations specify protections for transgender students’ rights to use facilities and participate in programs that align with their gender identity, directly challenging states with restrictive laws.